Friday, February 11, 2011

Surronding noises?

Annoying people, bad voices, everything that is negative is so lame. Has anyone tried to go on a bus in Tallinn, drive from the 1st stop to the last stop, and watching, just watching, people and how they act? That is so freaky, every single person, has that low life face on themselves, constantly thinking about shooting themselves. Economics sucks donkey balls I know, specially in Estonia. Anyhow, moving on.
 Skullcandy's!! WUUHHUUU, I just love them, they are big, but who cares. Their music quality compared to shity ass Sony ones are amazingly huge difference.
 Disappointment, that is something fishy. I don't like to disappoint people, specially the ones I love and care about, however I tend to do so. Why? I don't know, its a fracking bad habit and I got to loose it. Now it's time to think and focus myself on the part of loosing that nasty habit, for good.

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