Friday, February 18, 2011


Am I changed? I am, because she made me a whole new person in quality, and she made me stop lieing, the biggest problem I had. I love her so much!!!!!! <3
 I am so stunned when she told me about my "golden hands and tongue" Although I don't think I'm so purely perfect, but in a case to her point of view, it might be just like it. For me though she is perfect :) and she always will be.
I so love my CSI series! CSI: New York and NCIS! Two of the best.

 I came to a perfect idea of what to do, another plan. :D Phase 1- Think. Phase 2- Think more. Phase 3- Act. Phase 4- "Ou jea"
 The simpliest way to put in a matter of words how my brain works is: " It goes round and round and round, and finally stop in the middle"


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