Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bad day or what?

Oky so today happened a lot. First of all I woke up the wrong way, almost fell down on my face on the floor. Then I had a big fight with Karin, almost everything I ever dreamed off were washed away in front of my eyes. But then again, as the day moved on I had a small walk to a secret spot of mine,  lay there in the snow, for 30 minutes and watched the sky, and came to think about myself, my doings and my future. However, after a hour or two of talks we came to a peace round and I got my final chance. And this time, for the love god, I won't blew it, if I will I will go walk naked on Viru Center.
 Uuh, I just love my classmate Raido, the teenager has some serious menopause for small boys turned on. Other than that, he tried to seduce Karin. ( low-life)  Ironic as it may seem, but I even feel sorry for him, at some point. The guy never knows how to act nor how to respect others stuff( hint hint)
 Club-Asteria is working for me again, pushing the limits further and further :)
I also realized the thing that matters the most in life. People keep saying "You can't live with a woman and you can't be without one" However, I got a perfect solution for this.  Get the right girl and you can't live without her. When you know you've found someone, you can always count on her/him.
More or less, I've learned my lesson today, and learning new lessons soon:)

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