Monday, May 28, 2012

If you don't run your own life, somebody else will.

So I finally came up with the perfect way to grow my self-esteem, and before I continue how, she who used to be my N1, it ain't thanks to you.
 Anywho, I started to give in some special tactics to my day, a secret at the moment, but I can give hint its life hacking literally.

So I went to local bike race few days ago, I finished 34th out of 68 racers. Pretty good, considering I didn't have a road bike, like over 40 people there. I had some pros and cons during the race, but the fact I finished it was pretty good. The distance was 17,5km and I finished it with 57 minutes, could have gone faster, but the bikes pedal started to make creepy noise and I slowed down. 

This is moi, in the finishing line. Overall, I'm happy with the result.

My terrarium is getting weird, already broke 3 of them, so the 4th has to succeed!

I don't give a shit what she might think about me stealing her idea about PL(playlist).

Here's what i'm listening to right now:

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