Sunday, July 24, 2011

Rain Over Me

A few days ago I got a question from my ex: "Why don't you blog anymore?" Of course I don't blog each day, if I sleep all day long, why would I have to blog about it? On the other hand if something funny, amazing or interesting has happened, then let the writing begin.
 A lot has happened since I last wrote here. For instance, Karin was dumped by "Him"(The guy she loves more than world) Now the reasons for that particular event are known for me,but everyone else should not know about it.
 I actually wanted to skip my drivers licence school, but I took my strength back and went for it, and I passed it. Now its time to wait for ARK, if I pass their exams as well, I will get my licence before army and I already know what car I want to buy, will be cost effective, but for start I'm actually looking for some old-school car, like a 1998 Mondeo or something.

 Ford Mondeo
That's the car I will buy for now :)

 I finally took my knowledge and made myself a perfect exercise schedule for morning and evening. I <3 Askmen for providing me with a spectacular information! My body is actually improving a lot, specially my arms :)

Six Sixes?So what is it, a system invented by women on how to check if a guy is worthy to date? Interesting, quite a interesting factor indeed. As i read it through really carefully, I discovered I have 1 points out of 6, so there are still a lot of improvement to be done. Only few people know what is it I am qualified for.

 When Dash Berlin came out with his new album "United Destination" there was this incredible sentence that got into my heart: "Music is unifying factor: An language unspoken to all" Now tell me that this ain't so true, cause it is!!!

 I've started to learn Spanish, well moving on with it, and trying to learn it fully with in a year. No es esto tan genial? :D

 My new PUMA shoes are reaching Tallinn today, so only few more days to get them, I'm so dam anxious already!!!

 Quote of the day : "A man is a summons and challenge"
  This suits perfectly for Karin, if she understands what I mean with it.

Question of the day: " Why does everything seems so painful when a simple word or face expression can change it 180 degrees?"

 People who have lost their love of their life, can only feel it, and I know 3 people that have that experience. 

Pitbull-Rain over me

P.S To Karin- I will never quit of something I've started!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New style new life!

I got a new day with tons of new stuff. For example, I started to change my clothing style. Right now, I'm collecting new clothes, as we speak, and I've made a nice outfit for me,from PUMA to Tom Tailor :)
 I got some nice and bad news as well what has happened today. Well, for instance, I met Karin, after 3 weeks of not seeing, and it felt bloody great, because each time I see her I get a smile upon my face. And today was no different from all the other days. So what did we do today? Well it varies from drinking cofffee to listening to music. We talked a lot of what has happened, recent events, etc. I wish there would have been more time though, because there was so much I wanted to talk with her. I admit, I had a weak spot, and I cried for a minute, because it still hurts me to have her by my side, and in the same not have, if you understand what I mean. 
 My ring arrived!!! I am so happy!!! It suits to my finger as melted only for mine.Once my shoes and other parts of my new outfit arrives, I will make a picture of myself, to let you guys see my new style :) I hope everyone loves it, as do I!
 I really hope friday will have a sunny day, because I really want to go to Kaagjärve and swim in the lake! Otherwize I gotta modify my plans, which I hate to do to be honest.
 Qoute of the day : "The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out" 
 That is a interesting quote,yet surprisingly akward in the same time. If you can't figure out how that sounds weird, you need some english lessons =)

 Question of the day : " What happens after today?"

 I cannot tell that because I honestly have no glue whatsoever myself. Maybe time will tell, maybe not. Just wait and see, but all I can say, for those 1,5 hours we talked with Karin, it was a morning I will never forget, even if I had a small breakdown!

See you tomorrow =)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Be Free:)

How can people be free? Free from pain? Free from obstacles? Well anyone can think of hundred different reasons how to be free, although I am not free:( It hurts to love someone who much, that doesn't love you back. One-sided love, one of the worst kinds of love ever to be walking on earth! Am I the only suffering this? Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, I can't say. All I know though is that it is a pain I cannot bear, I want to be free from this pain, but its causing me more pain
  One of the most interesting quotes I've read @ Askmen is : "Man was made to mourn"-Robert Burns, who was actually a 18th century poet. It has a point in it, I've mourned several people, I even mourn myself.
 On the other hand, the fact I've read today is simply hilarious, so here it is(This is to all idiots who drive porche):
 "Driving a Porsche communicates, that your interested in uncommited sex" Now that shit is hilarious, no wonder that Porsche guys never are married or family guys!!! I'm actually laughing my ass off!!
  I have some good news as well!! I got a pay raise from Mäga :) Now I earn 256 euros a month =) not 130 euros, I'm quite glad for it.
 I started to run twice a day, morning circle and evening circles. That is so awesome, I feel so good every morning and every evening! :) Maybe soon I will start running 10miles a day, instead of 5miles.
  I cannot wait for friday already!! I really want to go to Kaagjärve and swim on the lake for hours and hours, all alone there, but oh well, its still better than sitting in my apartment for 12 hours.

Mari-liis Aasmäe-Kevadel

 I know it is a estonian song, with Estonian lyrics, but it is a really good song. It has lyrics, specially the refrain. I wish someone could catch me too, not throw me away, like it has happened.

 Question of the day : " If I would give you my love more than ever, would it change the way I feel for you?" I will give my best to answer it. I would honestly not know if this would happen, I cannot give more love to Karin, I would become too needy or doormat for her, and I don't want that. Me and Karin both know, I want her back, I love her, and I would do anything for her, but she never loved or loves me, not now, not in near future. But if I would try to give my love to Karin, more than ever, without her noticing that, maybe that will set me free and I get rid off all my pains!

 P.S Sorry for not making a topic yesterday, I was too busy watching Dr.House. I started watching all the 7 seasons again, and currently I'm at season 4!! I love it, I can study a lot more from the series, than I could learn in medical school.

 See you tomorrow:)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fly High!

I wanna fly, fly high, with you baby!
And leave the world behind!!!!

 Those are the words that are coming in my head 24/7, but knowing I can't, well that hurts, badly. When I was with Karin, I flew higher than anyone or anything in the world. She made me go higher than 100 heavens, no one could ever have, and will not, do that anymore for me. 
 I wonder, how many people really do read my blog? 1? 2? No idea, but since I got 1 follower,perhaps she does read what I have to say, maybe just because she can laugh at my miserable life, I cannot tell. 
 I got a crazy ass rap song from Samu(My best pal)today called Reggae Rekka, which is hilarious for Estonians , because Rekka, in estonian means Truck, so for us, its Reggae Truck :D
  "Sweets are good for children", now this is news that I love to read! According to their research, when the old research showed, candies are bad for children's teeth and body. Well now the new research claims, eating candies at early children's ages, can actually avoid the kids being fat or obese in later lives! 
 I read of an interesting topic @ Askmen today. " Why do nice guys finish last" The main subject the topic was all about, was that nice guys act like womens doormat, and therefore bowing them like goddess's . The thing is, according the women(and yes the topic was written by a woman), nice guys lives are like a routine work, even sex! Now that I start to think about it, I honestly acted this way too, when I was together with Karin. No wonder, now I found yet another reason she left from my life.
 I'm having quite much of a fun with my new hobby, and its improving so much, as is my life. I have improved my life far more than I could have ever dreamed about, even the biggest problem I had, I took the ways I came up with, and put them in practise, I didn't even got a feeling I would do it, it felt SO good, honestly, My life hasn't been more clean as it is right now. Maybe my break up with Karin, made me realize, how much I had to loose with all my wrong acting, Thanks yet again! ( I would honestly kiss you for more than 24 hours in row)
 "If she's moody, quickly become  the most patient, sensitive human alive"
 Now this qoute from Sex&Dating @ Askmen, this has its positive and negative sides, but overall, its quite possibly the most perfect way for a man to get his hands down and make a perfect day to either side of the two people.
 Question of the day : "What is worse, loosing friends or loosing everything you ever could have dreamed about?"
 This question can be interesting in several hundred reasons. Defining "Everything you ever could have dreamed about",we can take this as "Love of your life". So which is worse, loosing your friends or your love of life? I suppose the second option is worse. I have lost her, but my feelings and my love for her, have never changed for her, never will either! 

Shaggy- Fly High

 I just love that song, it brings me memories of Karin, all the good ones, and I know in my heart, everything she did, it just kept flying me higher than anything!

 P.S  We had uber awesome thunderstorm yet again today @ Valga!!! For 20 minutes it gave 4 really strong bangs, and I was having ear orgasm!!! 

See you tomorrow :)

Take care and have fun :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Home Decor!

To start why I made a topic called "Home Decor", that's why because I read an amazing story what's behind your own, as a male of course, home. The things included was, whether you can get your date on advance state or not, it all depends on how your home is. The best what I did read about it was, whenever you have your date at your home, when she sees your home cleaned, furnished( Added with some luxury touch<3) and most importantly, having books, loads of them, chances are advanced dating will be 100%. 
 I also discovered, well not me, but some study reports that when people are getting paid, its 1/4 more chances of dieing? Interesting is it not? Dam yeah. The thing is, taking USA as a example, 1/3 of Americans are overweight( giggles all night long), and therefore, if people get paid, they get hyperactive. By that I mean, they go out, they go to restaurants, head to stores more often. Now here's the tricky part of this study. If a person is overweight, lets say 140kg, when he/she gets paid, and starts going hyperactive on pay day, the organism in his/her body starts to think " Whoa whoa, hold on there horsey, I ain't used to move/eat that much" And therefore higher risk to heart attacks are occured on pay day. I'm frankly more than happy I'm a slim guy rather than some fat ass with man boobs!
 My auctions are going well, I won a wristwatch, a nice shiny one :) It just costed 9€, now I'm on the run for acoustic guitar, so far so good, but 3 days left, and the owner is thinking on putting 65€ price for it, if he does, hell yeah I will buy it :)
 Yesterday when I said I wished I could dance like on the Scooters- Jump that rock video guys did, I tried it and I fell down 3 times, my ass still hurts, but its fun. I hope to learn in asap, so I can start putting some other moves to it, and build some "Step Up 3D" movie moves and impress myself :)
 Today @ work it was pain in the ass, literally. I ran like a madman, sweating from all over my body, but I did full cleaning, inside out, to 4 cars!! 123€ to Mäga(my boss) from my end alone :) That's well over 23€ as a bonus for me today! (Happy a bit)

 What else.... ooh, I've updated my playlist to well over 200 songs already, and its improving day by day. I've also started to hear some rock&roll, hence Foo fighters, Disturbed, a lot of their songs are pretty awesome! ( I hope my neighbours don't start knocking my door cuz of loud music)

 Its so well made song, the video is perfect, however I'm not attracted to, how to say, model like girls. I know they are amazing looking, most of them have tits bigger than my own head, but as far as I've seen them, most of them are complete blonds, from head to toe. 
Question of the day: " When is the time for me to admit Karin that I want to meet her?" 
 Another extraordinary question, yet again, but still I do want to meet her, everyday I'm thinking on asking that from her, but it is too painful for me at the current moment. What is she declines my invitation to coffee? Another question, questions such as those are bouncing in my mind. The time I need might be weeks, months, who knows might turn years. If she was happy with me, she never said it, but if she was, and not anymore...Well I sincerely, hope she is happy without me, if that's true, then I can live and be a single. Frankly I hate being single, but my heart cannot give its love to anyone else that Karin. 
 P.S Don't answer me for the question in msn Karin, I might get depressed, but I cannot stop you from telling if that's what you want.
 See you 2morrow :)

Bai :)