Thursday, May 5, 2011

Walking disaster

And once again, the time for being a walking disaster has arrived for my life. Am I a devil or a angel? I got the attitude of a d1ck and I'm a complete asshole. I'm in total depression, and I want to end everything I've worked for, because it ain't worth it anymore.
 I took the liberty of turning my most wonderful life into a disaster, ruined everything, took the advantage of beauty and turned it into a thunderstorm. I hate myself, totally, I can't explain how to define the word  "asshole", but knowing myself, I know that's who I am. I want to close my eyes, forget my life, start over and turn everything I had into a beautiful world, but its just TOO FUCKING hard. I can't believe my own words anymore, everything I say will make the world look like Yokoshima nuclear power plant disaster. 

 Everything I do think or say

Will turn the world into a bad way
I tend to ruin everything I ever had
I feel so alone inside am I bad?
I want to live the life I once dreamed
Being happy and without worries
In reality its not what it seemed

I want to scream out loud so bad, turn the apartment upside down and throw everything I have out of the window, scream your name,saying "I LOVE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE", but will it change me? Her eyes make me never watch stars, her hair is more beautiful than whole worlds womens put together, her lips they turn everything bad into good, her words she says makes everything bad go away, I love the way she acts, talks, blinks her eyes, everything she does makes me happy. On that note, everything I do, makes her unhappy, my kisses, my acting, my empty little promises, my every move.
 I am now officially a walking disaster.

P.S If you want to know how I am, listen to "Sum41- Walking Disaster"

Sum41-Walking Disaster

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